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You matter
We care about YOU

If you have attempted suicide and are hurt right now, please have someone take you to a hospital.
If you feel the urge to hurt yourself right now or you are feeling emotionally distressed, then please call the following helpline numbers. It may not seem that way now, but there is help and you are valued and worthy:
If you have been thinking about suicide but is not in danger now, then:
A trusted friend or family member who will not judge you or make you feel worse. Remember to check if they have the emotional bandwidth to provide emotional support to you right now. Tell them what’s going on. It will make you feel better.
Call a helpline to get help from trained suicide prevention professionals who offer free, anonymous, confidential counselling over the phone. You could also use these platforms to get chat support if you don’t feel comfortable speaking over the phone:
Visit a clinic or hospital if you feel the immediate need to harm yourself or end your life. Get yourself admitted until the danger is averted. Watch out for warning signs like repetitive racing thoughts, inability to sit still, inability to sleep, alcohol/other drug-induced intoxication over days, suffering delusions (false beliefs) that something terrible is about to happen.
Get rid of anything you can use to harm yourself at home. This includes pills, razors and other sharp instruments. If you feel you might be reckless on the road, don’t drive. Take the help of a loved one to remove these tools out of your sight. Reach out for professional help. Asking for help is OKAY and there is help here. These are people trained to help you identify your options and get back your control in life.
Use when the suicidal feelings get intense. If you don’t already have one, create a crisis and safety plan with the help of a friend /therapist. Have the number of a friend/ therapist/ hospital. Think of things, aspirations and people that make you feel safe and provide hope. Think through similar situations in the past when you felt this way and how you coped by relying on your own strengths.
Here is how you can create your own Safety Plan
When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness, a Hope Box might help you feel better. You can put together a list of things that will lift you, change your mood, and mitigate the current crisis. You can do this with the help of a friend, family member or your therapist.
Here is how you can create your own Hope Box
Eat healthy. Don’t skip meals. Sleep for 7-8 hours. Have a routine. Exercise 4-5 times a week. Keep yourself busy for 4-5 hours every day. Get in touch with nature. Develop close authentic social relationships. Meditate, pray or find other spiritually enriching activities. Do fun things. Think about all the reasons that make life living, including those who love you, and those whom you love.
Taking care of your physical health is as important as your mental health. Our body and mind are deeply interconnected, therefore, one affects the other. A healthy diet and physical exercise everyday can go a long way to bring a huge difference to your mental well-being. If you can, find a sport or other physical activity you enjoy. If your physical health issue is a part of the problem, consult a professional who may help you find a way to manage your challenge.
This only gives you temporary relief. Being in a state of intoxication can increase your duress and lower your barriers to suicide. Many who complete suicide have alcohol or other substances in their blood.
Ask a friend or family member to come over or go stay with someone till you feel better. Ask them to keep talking to you and ensure you are safe.